Salaries and bonuses in credit

As the financial landscape evolves, understanding the compensation packages for various credit roles across different regions can provide valuable insights for professionals navigating their career paths.

‘A Guide to Careers in Credit’ includes up-to-date salary benchmarks across key credit roles in key markets. You can download the full guide here.

Regional differences

  • London: Generally offers competitive salaries across all roles. The UK's regulatory environment and proximity to major financial institutions contribute to competitive salaries.
  • New York: Known for high compensation, particularly in senior roles. This reflects the city's status as a global financial hub with high demand for expertise in all areas of financial services. New York remains a top destination for those looking to maximize their earning potential in a fast-paced environment.
  • Frankfurt: Offers robust packages, benefiting from the city’s strong financial sector and its role as the Eurozone's central banking hub.
  • Singapore: High bonus potential. Singapore’s rapid financial growth and strategic position in Asia make it an attractive market for credit professionals.

Top salaries

  • Trading: Credit trading roles offer the highest salaries among credit-related positions due to their direct impact on revenue generation, high-risk high- reward nature, specialized skills, and competitive landscape.
  • Capital markets: The direct link between capital markets activities and substantial revenue generation justifies the premium pay. The demanding nature of these jobs - often requiring a significant personal commitment, is compensated through higher pay.
  • Corporate banking: With strategic importance in financial institutions due to their direct revenue impact, complex deal structuring responsibilities, and critical client relationship management, corporate bankers are amongst the highest-paid financial professionals.

Reasons for salary differences

  • Cost of living: London, New York and Singapore have high living costs, necessitating high salaries to attract and retain talent.
  • Skill shortages: New York faces acute skill shortages, particularly in niche areas, driving up salaries. London also experiences skill gaps, especially post-Brexit, influencing salary increases.
  • Taxation: Lower taxes in Singapore make it an attractive destination despite slightly lower salaries.

Example compensation benchmarks:


LondonNew YorkFrankfurtSingapore
Basic salaryBonusBasic salaryBonusBasic salaryBonusBasic salaryBonus
Managing Director/ Head of Corporate Banking£200k-£250k>60%$325k-$425k40-50%€225k-€275k40-50%S$350k-S$425k100-150%
Executive Director£165k-£200k>60%$275k-$325k40-50%€175k-€225k35-50%S$300k-S$350k75-150%
Vice President£100k-£130k30-50%$140k-$200k25-40%€95k-€140k25-30%S$200k-S$280k50-100%

Download ‘A Guide to Careers in Credit’ for the full compensation guide, covering salaries and bonuses in credit risk, credit research, corporate banking, capital markets, sales and trading.


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